13th May 2020

Ground Usage

Ground usage at this time.

Dear Members,

We hope that you and your family are well and staying healthy during the COVID-19 crisis.

Update on ground use 
Following the easing of lock-down regulations by the Prime Minister on Sunday we would like to advise you regarding use of the grounds at Mersham.

Whilst it has been announced that people are allowed to travel for unlimited amounts of exercise, we would urge you to still use your local park, green space or garden as much as possible.

The ground has been in dire need of some rest from activities, due to the year round usage and compacting of topsoil causing it to flood regularly in the winter (and cancellation of football), and this crisis, whilst tragic for us all, has in fact benefited the playing surface.

The football goals are locked away and the cricket nets have not been put up so these cannot be used.
As lock-down measures are eased further, nets may go up in the future and we will advise if/when these can be used.

The play park, like others, also remains out of use as it cannot be disinfected regularly and could potentially harbour the virus. 

Social Distancing 
If you do choose to travel to use the ground we must remind you to stick to the government’s social distancing rules;

  • you may exercise with members of your household, be it a kick about or cricket.
  • 1 on 1 sport is permitted with some one from outside of you household as long as social distancing measures are adhered to (staying 2m apart).

We are expecting a lot of people to start using the ground, If you do, please stay away from others using it. Please also stay off the cricket square at all times.

We’d like to thank our members for your continued patience and understanding at this time, we fully appreciate how frustrating the situation is and that you are eager to participate in your sport, but for now the safety and well-being of all is of the utmost importance.

Many thanks and best wishes to you all.

Matthew Fagg
Club Welfare Officer.

Further Reading

24th June 2019

All News

17th May 2019

About Us

18th May 2019


17th May 2019
